The Beautiful of Jember

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

In short , Jember is one of the districts in East Java , located in the southern part of East Java . Jember neighbor Lumajang , Bondowoso , and Banyuwangi , which is already known for the many tourist destinations . For example, there is Mount Semeru in Lumajang , Ranu Kumbolo . There Plengkung Beach in Banyuwangi , Green Bay , Red Island . In Bondowoso no crater . Continue Jember got what ?Okay Masbro and mbakbro .. Jember has many tourist attractions as well you know. Do not believe ? Prove wrote here directly . From the start of nature , artificial , culture , science and technology , mystery , history , all thereNot to mention , jam -free city ( Feedback small town , but beautiful ) and its people unique . Why do I say unique ? Because people Jember consists of two ethnicities , namely Java and Madura . So , do not be surprised then if you meet people who speak the language Java with Madura accent or dialect of Java with Madura talk.

1 . Nature 
a . Beach PapumaPapuma or Malikan White Sand is located at 28 km south of the town of Jember . Can be reached from downtown by motorcycle for 45 minutes . It could also be by public transport , the charge anyway inexpensive Rp 5,000 - Rp 10,000 / person . Its beach is really pretty cool .. White sand combined with green trees and exotic rock , mantab ! On this beach Agan also can see the beautiful sunset from the top of the hill . Fantastic !
b . Meru BetiriMeru Betiri located in the southern city of Jember . Travel about 1.5 hours . Well if that is to be pakek motorcycle or Jeep , Gan .. Because tau own right , the terrain in the park yet paved , so it still rocks so deh . Uppsala ! But make no mistake ! Meru Betiri the vast mempunai tens of square meters of this turned out to save trending very exotic tourist locations , such as Meru bay , bay Permisan , alit bande beaches , green bay , Panai Sukamade , etc. .. Not to mention the wildlife and fauna that live there , ranging from pristine mangrove ecosystem , until the relationship Rafesia rare here . Not to mention animals such as deer , bison , turtles , birds , etc. .  
c . Bande Alit BeachBande Alit Beach is located in the Meru Betiri . Can be reached by jungle track or vehicle for 1.5 hours . This beach is a white sand beach surrounded by hills , forests , and coral reefs . The beach is still natural , and not much touched by humans . Tremendous crash of the waves is very tempting visitors to try . Not to mention the view from the top of the reef is stunning .
d . Meru Gulf & Bay PermisanBoth of these bays in Meru Betiri too , can be reached by jungle track or vehicle ( bay Meru ) for 1 hour . Unspoiled bay with green mangrove ecosystem as a habitat for birds and crabs make a second bay is very impressive when Agan visit . In Permisan , Agan also be camping because there is a camping ground and a source of fresh water . Can rent camping equipment in Jember city with affordable rates .
e . Nusa BarongNusa Barong island has been known as one of The Paradise of Jember because of the beauty of the island and the sea is incredible . This island is the outermost island in Jember . Agan could nyampek here by public transportation ( Rp 10,000 / person ) or the motor . Departing from Fishermans Village, Puger , followed by a boat ride ( USD Go - Round 200.000/boat can find a lot of friends that let cheap ) . The island is still very natural . Agan be fishing or sightseeing here . Marine life and natural beauty is amazing .
f . Waterfalls TancakTancak is a hilly area about 16 miles south-west town of Jember . In this Tancak there is the highest waterfall in Jember district , with a height of 82 m and discharge 150 cubic meters per second of water to make a waterfall Tancak as natural attractions mainstay Jember district . In the vicinity of the waterfall travelers can enjoy Argo Holidays Mountain Coffee Garden Install. This tour package is often visited by foreign tourists.
2 . Made travel 
a . Rembangan 
Rembangan is tourism location baths located on a hilltop , precisely in the village of Lor Kemuning . The bathing place at the top of the hill gan . It was cool . There are hotels and restaurants as well . In addition, the relationship here is also garden chrysanthemum and dragon fruit.
b . PatemonIf 
this one bathhouse in which the water from mountain springs ORIGINAL , gan . Deh imagine how the cold . But really good for relieve fatigue . Its location in the District Levee .
c . Cafe and Rest Areas gumitir
Gumitir region is the border between Jember and Banyuwangi district in mountainous areas with winding roads and up and down along approximately 12 Km . Throughout the area often encountered a herd of monkeys swinging in the trees . In addition, many small stalls hawkers hot coffee and snacks , it is suitable as a companion to enjoy the cool mountain air for road users who are stopped to rest . With the increasing traffic flow , PTPN XII perisitirahatan initiative to provide a place called Cafe n ' Rest Area gumitir which of course provides more comfort with facilities that continue to be developed . Currently visitors can enjoy facilities such as the delicious food at the restaurant , mosque and ATV riding and the availability of convenient parking area . There is also a giant chair to enjoy the beautiful scenery around the location of the resort at an altitude of 628 m DPL . The facilities available can be seen here.
d . Botanical garden 
The location of this attraction is ± 7Km west of the town of Jember , or more precisely in the District Sukorambi . Name objak tourist " SUKORAMBI Botanical Garden " is coined by founders who are experts in agriculture and plantations . This attraction introduce various kinds of herbs combined with a pool and beautiful valleys and vast expanse of rice fields . Thus create an artificial attractions of interest to tourists .With a total area of ​​± 8 ha , Botanical Gardens Sukorambi provides facilities such as , swimming pool for adults and children , a café , conference hall , a beautiful lodge a playground for children and a fishing pond . The attraction of natural scenery still looks natural and cool air , so it is suitable for recreation spot for visitors who come from the big cities .

3 . Tourism Science and Technology 
a . The center of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa ResearchIt's fun for the nih who likes to learn , terutaman learn about the coffee and cocoa . Here agan can see how the process of making genuine Luwak coffee and chocolate Jember . Guaranteed distinctive and memorable taste on the tongue deh . Its location in the village of Kaliwining , Rambipuji . Approximately 30 minutes from downtown naek motors Jember .
b. Kamal Historical SitesThe site is located in the village of Kamal , District Arjasa . Can be reached by bike / car for 30 minutes from downtown of Jember . Here agan can see many objects such prehistoric menhir , punden , sarcophagi , etc. . Remarkably , all maintained intact 
 c. Jember UniversityThis one is in Jember University . Commonly called UNEJ ( not Unjem ! ) . This UNEJ have some faculty from the social sciences to inexact , but it is also there laboratorium2 , research institutions , sports stadiums , agrotechno park, and certainly more fun because it 's " Green Campus " , meaning lots of shade trees . So cool for morning walks or afternoon while clay student / student anxiety 
d. Agrotourism Tobacco 
Ever hear of Tobacco Besuki Na Oogts ? It came from the town of Jember , Jember is weve known as Tobacco Town , gan Because weve really suitable land for planting tobacco . In fact, according to news circulating , the No. Jember tobacco quality . And No. 1 in Indonesia . 4 in the World . No wonder that many people deh Jember tobacco plant , even here agan can see the original cigar factory , which already exports to Europe and Russia . 
e. PTPN X Cigars Bobin 
Employees Cooperative aquatic PT . Plantation Nusantara X ( Persero ) was established on December 14, 1968 , has several areas of business activities including Business Unit " CIGAR " as a superior product with quality and international standards .Cigar factory is located in the bonded area of PT . Plantation Nusantara X ( Persero ) in Jelbuk Jember, East Java . Jember since the Dutch colonial era known as a regional center for quality tobacco Besuki the vast expanse of the estate in the foothills of Mount Argopuro area . For those who want a taste of how to make a hand made cigar practice here can be directly guided by experienced personnel , so can all wondered info about tobacco 
f. Tourism Lori ( Railways " Mini ") 
You know Lori ? It is the designation for a mini train . Well , in Jember there are lorries travel . You can ride a lorry crossing the railroad tracks along 18 km of the station Kalibaru ( Banyuwangi ) until the station Garahan ( Jember ) . Here agan Mrawan station will pass through the tunnel , which is the second train tunnel teroanjang in Indonesia . Spanjang road agan are offered a coffee and cocoa plantation scenery . Exciting anyway !

4 . Tourism Mystery " Test Nyali " 
a. Abandoned Hospital 
The hospital was visited by a team of Still Another World ( Trans 7 ) . Story , there is an abandoned hospital building that is now turned into a home for beings from another world . The building is vacant for more than 20 years it seems to be a carcass before it was used . Kabarny anyway , there is much confusion during the process of development takes place , ranging from the discovery of the tomb in one corner of the site , the workers who possessed , until the tragic events that happened to one manager . Astral creatures like the tiger head , genderowo , pocong supposedly increasingly visible on the hospital premises.

b. Rice mills Dutch Era 
The rice mill was built around the 1980s and has long been abandoned . The building is old like a ghost building . Many strange noises that night . And often the case in front of a train wreck . 

c. Bhayangkara Building
Bhayangkara building is located alongside a busy road anyway , gan , but supposedly he is often seen ghost sightings there.Bahayangkara building is located in the Community Services Building Institute UNEJ known haunted by the locals .

Tourism in Karimun Jawa : Enjoy the Beauty of Marine Life in Java

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

If you ever go far away to Lombok or Bali for snorkeling late , or crave Bunaken marine park but has not been accomplished , ane rekomendasiin one place on the island of Java that incredible underwater natural dazzling.

Known as " the Caribbean " island of Java , Karimun Jawa is one of the best places in Indonesia for marine activities such as Diving and Snorkeling . With 22 islands and the beauty of the marine life is very beautiful , Karimun Jawa National Park to be one place that must go to your list !

Karimunjawa are islands in the Java Sea are included in Jepara , Central Java . With a land area of ​​1,500 hectares and waters ± ± 110,000 acres , Karimunjawa now developed into a tourist charm Marine Park which began much-loved local and foreign tourists .Since the date of March 15, 2001 , Karimunjawa Jepara set by the government as a National Park .  

Karimunjawa is home to coral reefs , mangrove forests , coastal forests , and nearly 400 species of marine fauna , including 242 species of ornamental fish .Berhabitat some rare fauna here is Sea Eagle White Chest , hawksbill and green turtles . Plants that characterized National Park Karimunjawa namely Dewadaru ( Crystocalyx macrophyla ) found in lowland rainforest .Waves at Karimunjawa is low and tame , which is mostly limited by the beach is the beach of fine white sand .

4 Family Travel Destinations in Tangerang Regency

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Tangerang district has several tourist attractions that would make a great family vacation destination . The sights are not only easily accessible but also can be a learning tool for the beloved sons and daughters . 

The first is Tjo Soe Kong temple . Do not underestimate ago after hearing his name . Pagoda is also known as Tanjung Kait temple is one of the historic sites in the district of Tangerang . Also signifies the existence of acculturation and ethnic harmony with the communities Tangerang immigrants , in this case the Chinese nation . Pagoda in the area of ​​Tanjung Kait dasyatnya it also witnessed the eruption of Krakatoa .  

Although located on the shoreline , Soe Kong temple Tjo be the only place that survived the tsunami sweep at that time .Invite your family also visited the crocodile park Tanjung Pasir . In the breeding places visitors can observe wild reptile life which has the scientific name Crocodillus .  

Recreation area on the banks of the Cape Sand Road a proper spot for suasanyanya shaded picnic . In addition , visitors can also buy souvenirs of captive crocodile leather for example . If interested , you can also try crocodile satay .Third place in Tangerang regency became an attractive tourist destination is educational at the same time World of Wonder Citra Raya in Cikupa .  

In There, visitors can see a replica of the world wonders such as Borobudur , the Pyramids of Egypt , the Great Wall of China , the Leaning Tower of Pisa , the Colosseum of Rome , to Stonehenge England . The theme park is also equipped with a variety of games that are unique and interesting .Lastly, try to get your family to explore the north coast of Tangerang Regency . There, visitors will be spoiled with a panoramic view of the beautiful - nautical panorama . You can enjoy the atmosphere of a fishing village , observing the cluster of the Thousand Islands , boating to the island of Java Luckily , shopping for ocean catch , to enjoy delicious seafood preparations with a friendly price . 

Interested in visiting ?

The Beautiful of Garut

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

The Beauty of Garut in West Java .holiday for the citizens of Jakarta to Bandung is a recreation that is often done , but a lot of people in Jakarta are not many who traveled to Garut when the distance from Bandung to Garut only 1 hours drive . If London is known as Paris Van Java because many distributions and clothing outlets here , but in Garut known since time immemorial as Garut Switzerland van Java . named like this because of the natural and cultural Garut very beautiful , lots of objects are very beautiful attractions here . weather was cool , surrounded by mountains and rice fields are very beautiful so it is not wrong if the person calling the Swiss Van Java Garut .

The natural beauty is what makes Garut referred to as Switzerland van Java .Garut is known as a destination that has a lot of natural hot springs , the Sundanese culinary maknyus , leather craft is so well known for the quality of arrowroot sheep here are very nice, and of course the stunning natural beauty . among the many tourist sites in Garut , there are 2 of my favorite places is Talaga Bodas ( white crater ) and the volcano . The second location is the destination of some of the many destinations in Garut .

Talaga Bodas dazzling 
Talaga Bodas means ' Ponds White ' . maybe we are never to Pangalengan London sights White crater , then in Garut was no White Talaga Bodas Crater . the persons named White crater because the same shape as that in Canning , but very different . I think White crater located in Garut is better, because there are so many trees and a dry cleaner , but it is also here there is a natural hot spring and the location for trekking .The beauty of Telaga Bodas Crater Whiteness called Garut .Talaga Bodas is located in the Village District of Wanaradja Sukamenak Garut , a trip to the White crater Garut is not difficult . By using a two-wheeled vehicle ( if using angutan city , Baraya can ride public transportation terminal Thunder - Sukawening ) , Garut mileage of about 14 km and from Wanaradja to location 6 km , travel time is only about an hour. The road to Crater Talaga Bodas also relatively good , there are only a few small sections of cobblestone roads , but still safe . keep in mind the road from Garut to the White crater is broken , the fastest 1 hour and a maximum of 2 times .because of damage to roads before arriving at the location , we will not get bored because it offered a beautiful natural scenery . the left side of the valley we can see clearly Mount Sidahurip Pyramid is said to be latent , whether or not a myth is true what does this mountain looks looks like a Pyramid . towards Talaga Bodas we must pass through a hilly land with a fairly high steepness . Residents around using them like a vegetable garden cabbage and tomatoes . While Talaga Bodas Crater itself shaped lake with a white puff of smoke soared .

Natural hot spring located at Talaga Bodas .once it gets to the parking location in Talaga Bodas , we have to walk approx 15 minutes to the crater . If you want to visit Talaga Bodas , should prepare to eat and drink supplies . But if just for a coffee and enjoy roasted corn , around Talaga Bodas Crater tourist attractions , there are a few stalls that also provide it . until we could take a picture after picture this location , but must be careful because there are some hot quicksand around the site of the crater .Mount Sidahurip which supposedly is buried Pyramid , how according to you ? not similar ?
Trees and Leaves were burned in the volcano .Enjoy the ascent of the volcano with the charm of natural beauty is astounding , the volcano is the southernmost mountain of a row of mountains that extend from the southern city of Bandung . This volcano is a mountain that is very popular , well known for their beauty and uniqueness of some of the volcano . For tourists who want to climb the volcano , there are several paths that can be passed and adopted . Ie from Canning and Cisurupan Garut district .

The beauty of the crater at the volcano .If we want to climb more quickly can be taken from Cisurupan , is due to the condition of the asphalt is good enough of bawahsampai peak . So that the land transport can accelerate the ascent , but the road stopped in the main square Salada . Because here we are required to hire a guide to lead us for the next trip , especially those who have never come into the volcano . During the trip to enjoy the natural beauty of our eyes , we can see the charred trees and ground hot smoke dicelah mountain rocks . Amid the trip to the summit of the volcano , we can see the unique and natural phenomena . That blast of hot steam coming out of the bowels of the earth , we can immortalize the moment through photos. But be careful to land soft and unstable , after which we will pass the lake of color . Green natural lake and remove the smell of gas is very dense . when she reached the peak of the volcano there is a sense of excitement when we achieve it , as though we were above the clouds . In addition to the natural beauty of flora contained many dipuncak volcano, which Edelweiss flowers , flowers that are rare and only grows in a certain place and a certain altitude because not every flower covered mountains nicknamed the Eternal flowers . That never wilt and has a distinctive aroma .

The natural beauty combined by natural heat of the volcano .This tourist spot visited by many photos as we could climb down and up for one day only , you leave early in the morning of Bandung . And after you climb up to the top of the mountain in the afternoon , after enjoying the beauty of nature you can go back in the afternoon . So it is in accordance with the family recreation , your role is also needed because of the volcano is still considered active mountain . This mountain has erupted some time ago and put out hot clouds thick enough , thus damaging the habitat of flora and fauna around the mountain . Damages incurred by the eruption of the volcano to create their own unique view of the volcano , if you kebandung or arrowroot . Do not miss this beautiful tourist Nature .

9 Best Cultural Festival in Indonesia

Jumat, 27 Desember 2013

Indonesia has many cultural treasures were inexhaustible peeled , I am grateful to the era of internet and technology now make the culture - the culture of Indonesia can be further recognized and promoted . I remember 10 years ago so hard to find information about the Indonesian culture in every corner of the archipelago , is now gradually local culture in Indonesia is increasingly recognized , especially among young people .
wealth of Indonesian culture so much because we have more than 300 different ethnic groups or tribes in Indonesia . or rather 1,340 ethnic groups according to the census of 2010 BPS . This cultural diversity makes Indonesia has many unique festivals Cultural festivals and interesting to be seen . of the many great cultural festival , I will be sharing the Festival - the original Indonesian Cultural Festival that I think best . some of which are :

1.Festival Erau Kertanegara in East Kalimantan 
Brings a long history of Kutai Borneo became Oldest Hindu kingdom in the archipelago , aquatic mammal store custom and culture Adiluhung incredible . The cultural richness summarized in Erau Festival .Hudoq which is typical Dayak Dance Bahau , we can see at the Festival Erau .Kutai area is the most affluent district in Indonesia . Here there are abundant natural resources with a strong culture . Natural scenery of tropical rain forests is cleaved by the river Mahakam , Kutai and Dayak people's lives are unique , and a very ancient culture exist here . Kertanegara Kutai kingdom is the oldest kingdom in Indonesia , and not many people know this fact .Dance Hudoq one mystical dance of the DayakBecause of its natural potential , Kutai Kertanegara build many tourist attractions , such as museums and sights of another nature . Interestingly , there is held every year in Kutai Kertanegara Festival held in long enough for the size of the cultural festival . Erau This festival is one of the grandest cultural events and involve many Tenggarong and surrounding communities . because this festival has a series of events Erau culture long enough and held on June 30 to July 7 in King City Tenggarong , Kutai , East Kalimantan . 

2. Festival of Madura Bull Race 
Karapan cow race is a race of cattle which originated from Madura, East Java , for most people Madura cattle races are not only a party of the people or events held each year which is inherited from generation to generation . But races for the Madurese cow is a symbol of prestige forms that can raise the dignity of the Madurese , because cattle used for beef cattle match quality is very good course with special treatment anyway . Madura Island is not only known as a producer of salt , but also producing cow cow races are very good quality . Not infrequently the cattle owners prepare pacuannya cows by giving a special massage and food was not less than 80 eggs a day , so the stamina and strength of the cow cows maintained . Even the cows cow preferential treatment in some homes that adorn it appears there is not a vehicle car garage but instead of the cow that was the garage of the house. Understandably due to the game-winning cow can reach Rp 75juta per tail .

3.Festival Makepung Buffalo Racing in Jembrana Bali 
Makepung which in Indonesian means romp , is a traditional buffalo race that has long runway attached to the Balinese , especially in Jembrana . This tradition originally just game farmers conducted in the sidelines of plowing a field at harvest time . At that time , they quickly clashing with the associated spur buffalo on a cart and is controlled by a jockey .The longer , original fraudulent activity that is growing and many people have become increasingly attractive . Now , Makepung has become one of the most interesting cultural attractions and watched by tourists including foreign tourists . Not only that , buffalo racing competition program has become an annual event in Bali and professionally managed .Today, Makepung not only by the farmers alone . The clerks and businessmen from the city too much to be a participant and supporter . Moreover , in a big fight , Governors Cup for example , participants who attended Makepung could reach about 300 pairs of buffaloes or even more . Becomes very festive atmosphere with the presence of the musicians jegog ( Balinese gamelan made ​​of bamboo ) to enliven the atmosphere of the race . 

4. Nias Culture Festival 
Nias is known as a destination that has many megalithic sites , in addition to Nias known for waves to surf Nias people here still hold fast to their culture . one of them is a form of love hold Nias Cultural Festival which is usually held in August in Bawomataluo . The village is already registered on the UNESCO World Heritage since 2009 as a cultural heritage of Indonesia . This village is a traditional village at the same time a well-known cultural village in South Nias . To reach this village , required for 3 hour road trip from Mount Sitoli towards the south coast of Nias .In Nias language , meaning hill Bawomataluo sun . So named because the village is located at an altitude of 400 meters above the hill . In cool weather this village we could see a lot of custom homes in South Nias are still awake . Nias Culture Festival was held in this village at the same time we can see a very famous rock jump . 

5.Festival Pacu Jawi , Race Ground Beef from Minangkabau
Pacu Jawi in Tanah Minang or called Runway Cow is one of the cultural events that are currently well known from West Sumatra . Pacu Jawi in the beginning of this activity the farmers and communities around Tanah Datar activities to fill the time after harvest . Pacu Jawi is usually held three times a year Tanah Datar . if you do not know many who think this Pacu Jawi in Madura , because it is famous for the cow race Madura area just similar but not the same .striking difference of Pacu Jawi in Tanah Datar with Madura Bull Race is land used , if Bull Race using flat ground as Pacu Jawi arena while using the already wet paddy fields . so if photographed looks more dramatic and more get a nice moment . Philosophy of Pacu Jawi is the leader and the people can walk together . here's why cows are used to spur Jawi No 2 tails , and the winner is not determined who could run the fastest , but the person who is always straight like a straight road higher value. Pacu Jawi unique detachable mounted alone and not opponents , in this way is said to be made in order to avoid frequent bets on every race . 

6. Capgomeh Festival Singkawang West Kalimantan.
Capgomeh which is the closing celebration of Chinese New Year is a festive celebration , Singkawang Borneo is the center of a celebration that is Colossal Capgomeh . This event is very well known both within and outside the State . because there is an attraction Tatung ( Man who possessed Dewa2 China ) , the Tatung is in a state of trance or unconscious . and celebrations in Singkawang Capgomeh was attended by more that 700 Tatung come from all over the archipelago . Tatung is melting because Chinese culture with Indigenous culture , so the Tatung of Dayak join the celebrations Capgomeh Singkawang .Cap Go Meh symbolize the 15th day and the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration for Chinese communities around the world . The term is derived from the Hokkien dialect and literally means the fifteenth day of the first month ( Cap = Ten , Go = Five , Meh = Night ) . This means that future Chinese New Year celebration lasts for fifteen days . 

7. Ambon Bay Festival 
Ambon city will increasingly charming charming when the colorful celebration of Ambon Bay Festival was held . The festival aims to promote the tourism potential of Maluku province as one of the national and international tourist destination .In this festival you can see some interesting competition . One that can be seen is traditional boat races Manggarube Arumbae that one boat carrying up to 31 people . There are also a host boat race ( bercadik ) who rowed the women wear traditional dress Maluku . Another interesting race is a relay swim race which started from Bay of Ambon ( in Martafons ) and ending at the southern tip of Ambon ( in Galala ) .Do Bamboo Gila , a folk game that originated from Maluku . a property is owned Indonesian culture .Maluku has many diverse cultures and dance , no wonder lot of singers , musicians and dancers who come from the Moluccas . Moluccan culture is intimately with the tradition of playing music as well as dance - dancing . Traditional dances among so many typical Maluku , there is a unique 1 One of the traditional dance is a dance called dance Fur Crazy or Crazy Bamboo , a dance that originated from Central Maluku folk games . This dance is so much sought after tourists visiting the Moluccas , so interesting because this dance is Crazy Bamboo assisted by supernatural powers . 

8 . Bay Jailolo Festival
The festival is held for Reviving the glory of Halmahera as the origin of the world to know the spices , and recognizes the natural and cultural riches abound on the island, this year's Festival Bay Jailolo provide cultural attractions Halmahera and Maluku .Organised by the Tourism Office of West Halmahera District , the event aims to introduce and promote the natural splendor , cultural attractions , and other potential attractions of the district . During the celebration , the community will be presented with a variety of unique programs such as Spice Parade , an Expo Spice , Spice Trip, Fishing Competition , Competition Swimming , Rowing Competition , Fun Diving , traditional rituals Sigofi ngolo sea , and Culinary Fiesta barbecue featuring 10 tons of fish . 

9 . Raja Ampat Papua Maritime Festival 
Maritime Festival held in the capital of Raja Ampat Raja Ampat , which is located on the island Waisai Waigeo . The main performances of the nautical festival focused on marine tourism . One of which diving Diving locations are in the top 10 most beautiful dive sites in the World .Raja Ampat in West Papua is keen on keeping its popularity as a marine area in Indonesia by conducting routine maritime festival . And displays a wealth of nature, art and culture .The Maritime Festival held at the Capital Center Waisai , which is located 3 hours drive speedboat from Sorong of Papua . What's interesting about this festival is , they invite the art and culture of the other districts in Papua . In addition Wakatobi is also included as well as in the Maritime Festival .Some details of the festival are Underwater Photo Competition , Paddle Boat Races , underwater orientation , beach sports such as volleyball , etc. , and local cultural attractions . Do the local culture will be displayed by the people of Raja Ampat and participants from other districts .Usually Raja Ampat Maritime Festival is held in mid- year around August , very interesting to go to Raja Ampat at the Festival . Because a lot of dance and culture displayed in this festival . One is an attraction Dance - typical dance of Papua , and are very interesting to me is the number of special food Papua raised here .Lots of magnificent Festival and Cultural Festival held every colossal corners of Indonesia , this festival a fraction of most of the festival which was held in Indonesia . 

Cangkuang trips to Temples and Villages of Garut Pulo

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Cangkuang temple is one of the temples are there in west Java province . The place is quite unique because it is located in the middle of the lake island Cangkuang.
Cangkuang temple complex located in the middle there (lake ) Cangkuang , besides that there are villages with traditional customs , Pulo village . This temple is estimated at up to 8 M and a century of cultural relics of Hindus in western Java . to reach this temple, you can use the services of a raft crossing that can accommodate enough passengers. Besides enjoying the beauty of the environment asri enough , you can also pay a visit to the village of Pulo custom set right on the edge of the temple Cangkuang . You can also find historical records and clearing the temple Cangkuang things Hindu and Islamic era relics in museums Cangkuang .Put Cangkuang temple in district LELES ( before the town of Garut if from the duo ) .  

If you went through nagreg band to Garut district will definitely pass this ... sign towards the heart big enough and easy visible from the road .. If using public transport , from LELES agan - agan can use a motorcycle taxi or Delman leading to the location .
There are also museums that store information about Cangkuang and Pulo village .. btw , if you want cross away to the temple , you can use the raft . Unfortunately that alone should wait the Rakit full ..Lucrative alternative for natural tourism

Garut White Crater

Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

Attraction talaga bodas crater is a small lake nature / talaga formed in a volcanic crater . Not too big indeed , but the landscape is really cool .. something like the white crater in Bandung deh , just minus the trimmings, still lacking.

Talaga bodas crater is located about 28 KM from the capital arrowroot and relatively easy to reach by car . To go to Talaga Bodas can use the lane Bandung - Garut - Wanaradja and Bandung - Limbangan - Cibatu - Wanaradja . There are no specific markers that indicate the location . Marker is fork after market Wanaradja take right turn ( if from the direction of Garut ) or a T-junction before the market Wanaradja take turn to left ( if from the direction Cibatu ) .

Turn lane from above down to the last scene when there saia tolerable offroad .. roads around the township population ugly , but approached the location is even better ..for facilities , there are stalls around talaga bodas and also the toilet .. so do not worry about thirsty . if necessary, may request the same grilled chicken traders also there
parking available for cars and motorcycles is quite extensive . For those of you who use a car flat / short , carefully rather ugly way yes because in the early

Enjoying Holidays Caving & Cave Exploring Buniayu

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Beaches and mountains are already a lot of our visit, we may want an alternative to the Travel challenging difficulty level. browse through the cave may be one answer. by exploring in a cave you can enjoy the beauty and strangeness of the natural underground. for example, enjoy a wide variety of stalactite and animals without eyes and another oddity.

Buniayu cave located in Sukabumi West Java, this location is perfect for the city residents. because it is not too far, only 3 to 4 hours drive from the city center to get to this location. Buni Ayu cave known as Cave Cipicung because of the location of this cave is located in the region Cipicung, cave explorers and a few people around to get to know as Cave Demon. since been under the management of Perum Perhutani is the name of the cave turned into Wana Buniayu Cave.
pada saat turun ke gua dari atas lubang, wah seru banget dan deg2an banget

These caves have now managed through monitoring and forestry, existing private operators who professionally manages this cave tour. Until now there are several caves that were in the area of ​​Cave Buni Ayu has been successfully mapped, of which Cave Cipicung (length 3.300m), and other caves in the vicinity, such as the Cave Bibijilan (717m long), Cave ADNI (length 635 m) , Cave stuck (length 390 m), Kubang Lanang (length 302 m), Cave Without a Name (length 400 m), Karsim Cave, Cave Bisoro, Idin Cave, Cave Gede, and Cave Kole. of the many caves that contained the region, Cave Buni Ayu chosen for their beauty and ornaments naturalness artifacts in the cave. Bunni said Ayu taken from Sundanese language, which ìBuniî and ìAyuî which means that tersembunyiî ìKecantikan. Here you adventurous souls are challenged to come up and expose the beauty in it. The cave is a cave Buni Ayu unspoiled nature. In it you'll find stalactites, stalagmites, flow stone, coloumn, drapery, gourdam, canopy, caves and other ornaments.

There are two types of trips that you can enjoy here, namely the public interest in tracking and tracing of particular interest. In search of common interest cave, you will enter into a deep cave approximately 500 meter.Untuk the journey, you do not need to prepare any special preparation. Just use antiskid shoes and comfortable clothing. Do not forget to also bring drinks and snacks.

For special interest cave, you need to prepare a special stamina to enjoy the ride. Long journey to be taken 4ó5 hours. For this trip, you are required to wear special equipment among helmet, wear a waterproof pack, gloves, boots antilicin, and lighting equipment. but the equipment is all provided by the carrier cave in Buniayu.Selain it, should dilengkap caving equipment as well as the static / dynamic rope, carabiner, stainless ladder, as well as other supplies. the manager has provided equipment and the local guides are ready to accompany your journey.

for those who like shooting, may bring a camera but it is advisable to bring a dry bag for your camera safety. and need adequate lighting to take pictures inside the cave.Caving Holidays This sensation is not the time to know him, as long as you are really in a very dark cave. you can not tell whether the day or the middle of the night outside. if you want to come here in the middle of malampun also allowed, and came out at the time of the morning. in addition to cameras and other equipment. you have to prepare is physically healthy. 

so wait no more.

Wakatobi National Marine Park, The Underwater Nirwana.

Rabu, 25 Desember 2013

Indonesia is known as the State Marine surrounded by many islands, Indonesia is also known to have many beautiful underwater paradise in the world. one such is the beauty of Wakatobi located in Wakatobi, Southeast Sulawesi. Is the capital of Wakatobi Wakatobi is Wangi Wangi and had four large islands famous. including Wangi Wangi, Kalidupa, Tomia and Binongko. Wakatobi name taken from the acronym of the four islands.

The name Wakatobi is actually fairly new because before the date of December 18, 2003, these islands are called Builders Iron Islands and is still part of Buton. Astronomically and that makes it unique, Wakatobi is located in the south of the equator and like other regions in Indonesia, because of the natural beauty that is still awake Wakatobi nasionl set into a park in 1996, with a total area of ​​1.39 million hectares, of the biodiversity marine and coral occupies one of the highest priority position of marine conservation in Indonesia that must be maintained.

I get a chance to Traveling to one island in the Wakatobi, Wangi Wangi ie. here are some of the attractions that can be seen and we capture through photographs. here are a few destinations that we can capture through photographs.Patuno Beach

Patuno Beach
Patuno Beach Resort is located in Patuno, for the common people who may come while enjoying lunch at the Resort. Patuno beach located in the Wakatobi Capital Wanci and Wanci Matahora Airport. if you want to come here from Wanci is approximately 22 kilometers, while the airport is only about three kilometers. Strategic Location of the beach which makes the region so easily accessible. Reach this place of Wanci by car or motorbike only took about 30 minutes, whereas ten minutes from the airport.

many activities undertaken in this beach, vast stretches of sand that make us not bored bored photographing landscape, snorkeling activities can also be done here. yes but have to be careful, because many areas there is still a lot of coral and sea snakes here. If you are lucky you can see dolphins playing around the beach, you can see it from above the dock.

Hoga Island
Hoga Island is one of the islands in the Wakatobi archipelago, Hoga Island is well known and is the island's most beautiful tourist submarine in the World. The island is located in the eastern Kaledupa. besides location for snorkeling and diving, we can also walk around the island with approximately 45minutes. entire island has a remarkable landscape. after settle around the island do not forget to snorkeling on the island if you can not diving.

leading to Hoga Island trip takes over 2 hours of beach on the island of Wangi Wangi Patuno, we can rent a boat at the harbor Wanci. to my knowledge there is no public transportation to the island, because the island is empty and the access to get there we had to hire a speedboat.
Kampung Terapung Suku Bajo

Floating village Bajo
 If in America they have a Gypsy tribe, Indonesia has liked ocean Gypsies Tribe move to move. yes they are the Bajo, stay home built over the sea. they have a special relationship with the sea, it is said if it is too long on the ground they can carsick hehe. Floating village towards the Bajau sea takes 1.5 hour journey by speedboat from Wanci. and to be able to cross and visit this village had to use a small boat as the area around the village of Bajo there is a lot of coral reefs.

Floating village which distinguishes it seems they do not become like the Nomad ago, they had a lot to settle around the beach. still largely built his house in the middle of the ocean with the foundation of the house planted on the seabed. The Sea Bajau are true, since they have been born alive to the sea. not only that they are also traditionally known as a great diver, fishing with archery is one of their skills.

Wanci Traditional Market
if you stay in Wangi Wangi, I strongly recommend to visit the Traditional Market Wanci. here a lot of events and activities Wakatobi society. in addition to many objects of human interest here, there's something interesting that sold in the market. ie ex-shirts and pants, so here we see a lot of traders who peddle shirts secondhand pants. right time to visit this market are morning and during the day, because this is the busiest time of their life come from remote corners of the village.

Village that Producing Salt
The village lies near the airport Wanci, yes township farmers producing salt and seaweed is very good immortalized through photographs. because of the beautiful landscape coupled by a dry region makes the contrast photographed. Here we can also see the salt and seaweed farmers who were harvesting. This settlement could range up to 3km 2 more.

Trip to Wakatobi
To visit Wakatobi Destinations you can use the plane from Jakarta to Wakatobi with the aim of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi capital, then continue the trip by boat directly to Wanci Wangi-Wangi Island. Wanci is the first gate into the Wakatobi National Park area. Regular boat to the island of Wangi-Wangi depart every morning at 10 and will arrive at the destination about 10 to 12 hours later. Wangi Wangi-of, trips to other islands can be reached by boat-boat charter or regular boat simple, but quite safe. but if you do not have a long time you can use the plane from Kendari to Wangi Wangi with Wings Air or Trans Nusa. travel time approximately 1 hour. but you have to check the exact schedule for the flight to come here.

Beatiful Isn't it ? :)
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