Tenganan, Ancient Village in East Bali

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Tenganan is a village which has its own uniqueness in Bali , village located quite remote and situated dikabupaten karangasem . To reach this village by road and is about 60km from downtown Denpasar , Bali . The village is very traditional as it can withstand the current era of rapid change of technology . Although the facilities and infrastructure like electricity etc go into the Tenganan village , but customs house and was maintained as the original is still exotic . This is because society has customs regulations Tenganan village is very strong , which they call the awig awig they've written since the 11th century and has been updated in the year 1842 .

Tenganan village has an area of ​​about 1,500,000 hectares , when the sights - the tour Another rapidly growing dibali like Kuta Beach , Amed Beach , a very festive with the presence Hotel , Beach , Cafe , and nightlife . Tenganan village still standing strong no matter the changing times with the stick with the three village halls are dull and custom homes that lined the exact same one with the other . And not only that this village is also maintained by the descendants of marriages among fellow villagers . Therefore Tenganan traditional fixed and exotic , although Tenganan Society receives input from the outside world but still it will not change fast, because the rules of customary village / awig awig have a very important role towards society Tenganan Village .

To enter the village of Tenganan is a unique , before entering into Tenganan Village area . We're going through a window , there we are not required to pay . It is because there is no ticket / tickets are sold , but we are voluntarily contribute whatever we seikhlas to semipermanent wooden dibangunan officers , travelers must pass through before entering the gate is narrow enough that only wide enough for one person . Income residents of the village of Tenganan is also not clear how much revenue , because there still use the barter system between warganya.disana many crops , rice fields , water buffalo roam freely their kitchen garden .

To boost their tourism potential , many Tenganan villagers who sell their crafts to tourists . Artshop we can also see that we stepped foot kepintu in, they sell a lot of craft . Such as woven bamboo carvings , miniature paintings carved on palm leaves that have been burned , and the most famous is the fabric grimace . This fabric is unique in that it looked at a glance we can immediately find out if the cloth is handmade . This fabric is expensive , and is only produced in the village of Tenganan only . The time the process takes too long , because as colors - colors that are dikain gringsing is derived from plants and require special treatment . Although many travelers are more and more to come in this village , but unfortunately they are lacking souvenir shopping . Said I Made painter miniature painting on palm leaves .

Being in this village we feel safe and peaceful atmosphere , the village residents were very welcoming and friendly . We can get around the area of ​​the village and witness their day to day activities . The most appropriate time we were there during the afternoon , as usual in the afternoon they had Tenganan villagers activities. And gathered in front of their homes , and no doubt they are out and hanging out with the other residents . And at this time we can watch and see the behavior of their traditional culture and customs are very thick . So it is worth if they are referred to as BaliAga / Original .

Tips wishing to visit Tenganan :
1.Commonly in June held traditional ceremonies pandan.acara war party this is very interesting ! unfortunately I have not had time to come here during the event .

2.As i known, no public transport to reach here . but here can be reached by motorbike / private car.
3.The Art typical village Tenganan Pegringsingan besides dat woven fabric , there are also carving / painting palm leaves . This craft is very interesting to buy , because it is unique to the collection .

4.if you can mingle with the local village people ! The people here are friendly and we can get a lot of life lessons from local wisdom brand

Traveled to Toga Village, Sumedang

Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

Sumedang is a small town surrounded by hills and not too far from the capital city of West Java , Bandung . Is a potential that can be developed in accordance with the existence of Sumedang rich in diversity of arts and culture as well as the nature of the mountains are still beautiful , supported by Vision Sumedang into areas Agribusiness and Tourism and the Tourism Vision Sumedang area realize Cultural tourism and tourism environment .

The name used for the tourist area is also adapted to the existing situation in the tourist areas , namely Area Tourism TOGA VILLAGE VILLAGE word derived from the medicinal plant life or pharmacy , then the plants began to grow a variety of crops planted drugs and a variety of tree crops with Jambe characteristic tree , along with the built infrastructure is also needed, especially landscaping the main entrance road to the location along the 2 km , 8 km along the water supply is in addition to the needs of Kampung Toga clean water can also be enjoyed by the 400 households in the village Pabuaran , tiles , Kukulu , Cipari , Cihantap , Haur Lawang , Kubang , Village Sukajaya and electrical facilities .

TOGA VILLAGE location about 2 km from the center of government Sumedang , with a height of 650 DPL coordinates S , E with shades of beautiful rolling hills and views of the city as well Sumedang rice field and river that can be enjoyed with tours Paragliding and hang gliding are aerospace .After nine years of development began in 1997 to 2006 VILLAGE TOGA tourist areas are available various facilities and infrastructure facilities required for visitors , even uasan has reached 32 hectares of land .Working motto is ONE STOP ADVENTURE , with the motto visitors will enjoy a wide range of activities , both activities in the air , land and water .

As for the water facility available is an adult pool and children with the feel of the mountains , fishing in the artificial lake , as well as an arena for Raffting activities (Rafting ) . When you 're feeling tired and hungry after doing activities in Kampung Toga , come to huts or restaurants Lesbian outdoor shades which was facilitated by the Sundanese musical accompaniment . While dining , visitors can enjoy the scenery of green rice fields and mountains .

If you get tired of the tourist attractions in north London and south , as well as the center of Bandung , it would not hurt if you switch the destination to the east of Bandung , or district. Sumedang .As well as the north and south of Bandung Raya , Sumedang also rich in tourism . One of them , in the village of Kampung Toga Sukajaya , District of South Sumedang .

The tourist area is quite interesting ............ ! Kampung Toga combining eco-tourism with beautiful scenery . Characteristic of this tourist area in the form of many medicinal plants ( living pharmacies ) are able to add insights you and your family .View this medicinal plant managers also an inspiration when naming the area of ​​tourism . Kampung Kampung Toga means Medicinal Plant Families . Nor is it unique enough ?Many medicinal plants you will encounter in this region as empon - empon , jambe , ginger , cat whiskers , and others . In this case , the manager does want to offer health tourism facilities as well as education .A thrilling and exciting experience will be obtained if you try this type of adventure tourism in the region that fly with paragliding .To just have fun , you just spent 250,000 with professional ditandem . Pretty cheap for the size of the city finances .

However , if you are hooked and want to air- paragliding alone , you can follow the fly paragliding education in this region at the rate of Rp 3, 5 million , to be able to fly alone and get a license .As with other integrated tourism area , Kampung Toga also provides lodging facilities ( cottages ) , meeting rooms , and a swimming pool .

Do not rush into thinking expensive cottages with rates in the region . Committee to accommodate almost all financial strata of society .Price cottages 200,000 and Rp2 million per day . While the meeting room rates R1 , 5 million to Rp2 , 5 million .

Similarly, the typical culinary dishes serving Kampung Toga . You do not need to spend a deep when want to enjoy traditional dishes to modern up to full.

5 Favorite Cities Culinary Tourism in Indonesia

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

The roads into the city in Indonesia, not be complete without eating the culinary trademark. Of rendang in Padang until bananas Epe in Makassar, Traveler hooked culinary apparently do not have to be difficult to determine the destination city. Virtually every city in Indonesia had distinctive culinary guaranteed to shake up the tongue.  

Here, 5 favorite culinary tourism in Indonesia:  

1. Bandung (59%)
Bandung was crowned the most favorite culinary tourism in Indonesia. In total, the city dubbed the Paris of Java have been as many as 2,341 readers or dominate with 59 percent.
Not surprisingly, London does have many unique culinary regular traveler so coveted. Take your pick, shake ente want to eat noodles, dumplings, batagor, peuyeum, Karedok, or surabi Bandung. If you want to spend time in London while eating cakes in London, could ente towards Braga Permai in Jalan Braga, which is one of the oldest restaurant in London.
Various culinary in London very easily found anywhere. Neither of roadside food vendors up in the restaurants in the mall. Moreover, the Bandung very creative in food processing. Want to vacation while traveling culinary? let's go to Bandung.

2. Surabaya (16%)
What comes to mind when hearing Surabaya ente? In addition to museums and historic buildings, City of Heroes is also known as a culinary city. Surabaya is in second place as a favorite culinary city in Indonesia and selected 635 readers, or 16 percent.
Culinary most famous typical Surabaya in Surabaya which cingur salad. This salad is a mixture of paste and cingur. For the uninitiated traveler, cingur another name for cow's nose. Cingur salad consists of several ingredients, such as rice cake, tofu, tempeh, cingur, sprouts, kale and beans. In addition, there is also a salad cingur containing fruits, such as young mango, yam and pineapple. Because there cingur, then this salad is typical smell and taste like cow's nose *** *** forbidden.
Not only salad cingur, Surabaya typical culinary variety that is able to make ente addiction is rawon, know tek, pecel rice, clover, rice cake racing, and satay klopo. Yum!

3. Padang (14%)
This well TS village, where the city into a paradise for lovers of culinary favorites in Sumatra? Padang is the answer. The capital of West Sumatra province is ranked third as the favorite culinary city in Indonesia and selected by 549 readers detikravel (14 percent).
What can I eat in Padang ente? ente can eat rendang, beef jerky Balado, curry chicken, curry fish head carp, jerky batoko who use coconut oil and raw green peppers, and rendang lung. Just imagine it make you drool!
It goes without dizziness find a variety of these foods. Step foot ente combing the city center, there are many food stalls that menjajakannya. For souvenirs, do not forget to buy chips Sanjai, daka-daka, dry rendang or chips that can be ente Balado take home as a snack at home. Lamak bana lai.

4. Makassar (8%)
Not only had beauty Makassar Losari Beach or Island Samalona alone. Regardless of marine tourism, Makassar pinned so favorite culinary tourism in Indonesia and selected 8 percent of readers aka 333 votes.
For the traveler who wants to eat soup konro came Lompobattang Mountain Road, behind the Bank Indonesia building. There is no point Konro famous Sop delicious. Konro soup made of beef ribs and is usually blended soup, and added diamond. It was tasty and make full.
In addition to soup konro, there Coto Makassar and the finished soup Sodara famous culinary in Makassar. If you want to snack while watching the beach, sialakan come to Losari Beach and eat bananas Epe. Epe is bananas bananas have various flavors, just select the wanted flavors of chocolate, durian, cheese, or original flavor.
One more thing that should not be missed in Makassar is Butung ice pallu. Ice is made from steamed bananas that have been kepok and cut into pieces, flour porridge served with rice and red syrup. Yummy..
5. Cirebon (3%)  
One more addition to the city of Bandung in West Java who became a favorite of culinary tourism in Indonesia, is Cirebon. Cirebon is at number five and selected by 112 readers, about 3 percent.
Empal barrel is typical curry Cirebon and most often targeted by the cooking process traveler who wears barrel-shaped clay. The contents of the barrel jerked usually beef, beef offal and offal-. One of the famous places to eat delicious peddle Empal barrel is Warung Mang Darma. But now a lot of places to eat jerked lined barrel in the Plered, Cirebon.
In addition, there are rice jamblang that you should not miss when a trip to Cirebon. Jamblang Rice is a rice dish wrapped in teak leaves and lots of side dishes. Choose side dishes to taste, from fried tempeh, tofu soy sauce, a fried egg, lungs, until jambal fish fry. There are several places to eat rice is rice Jamblang jamblang favorite Mang Dul, Ms. Nur, Ports and Student Army.

7 Reasons to Vacation in Yogyakarta

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Yogyakarta is a city that is always interesting to talk about. Many people are saying that once we will always want to visit again. Well, for those of you who have never set foot in this city, see 7 reasons why Yogya be appropriate destinations visited during the holidays. 

1. Many art and cultural events
Yogyakarta is no denying that the city is rich in art and culture. Here we can freely watch the various mat art affordable for all people. Annual events such as Ngayogjazz, Biennale, Artjog, Yogyakarta Art Festival (FKY) and others are events that always visited local residents and tourists. Not only that, regular cultural events is also interesting to follow, especially for those who love photography as crashed maulud vying mountains, the Chinese Culture Week every Lunar and sekaten. 

2. Historical and cultural tourist destinations that attract
Barangkalia no other city that has a lot begiu destinais as many historical and cultural sights of Yogyakarta. Yes, for those who love history and education, the city of Yogyakarta is right. If talk of history, you can visit Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Temple and Borobudur Temple is located in Magelang, about 40 km from the city center. In the city center you can visit the Sultanate of Yogyakarta Palace and Taman Sari and Sonobudoyo. The story of Indonesia's independence, we can watch in Jogja Kembali Monument. Want to know how the legacy of Mataram Kingdom central government? Kotagede your foot step. Herein lies the Mataram Kingdom central government since the fall of the year 1582 AD Display - 1640 M. Still dealing with the story of the kingdom of Mataram, there are Imogiri Tomb is the tomb of the kings of Mataram and his family. 

3. Abundant natural tourist
DIY not only have Parangtritis very popular and is in full swing every tourist. You also need to visit other destinations in the region Gunungkidul nature. Some point favorite is Pindul Goa, Beach Indrayanti, Single Pok Beach, Beach Jungwok, Sri Gethuk waterfalls, Mount Nglanggeran, Goa Jomblang and Ngobaran Beach. Stepping into Kulon Progo district there Grojogan waterfall Watu Jonggol, Sermo and Wildlife Progo rafting. In Sleman district you can visit Ground which is a plateau and follow the tour at Merapi volcano thrill.

4. Variety of food and a place to hang out
One reason could be done very sparingly picnic in Yogyakarta is due for feeding purposes you will not spend too deep. This is known as a student city rich region famous place. Yes, angkringan is the name for a seller of rice (along with fried foods, drinks and other snacks) are laid out in a wooden wagon. With Rp. 10 thousand as much you can fill the stomach. Angkringan is no longer synonymous with the not rich. Eating in angkringan was packed with slick and become part of the lifestyle. Come to angkringan Pakualaman almost never quiet. Alternative cheap dinner this famous monument or other is often referred to this famous Lik Man. Located north of Tugu Station, this area is always crowded.
Yogyakarta was afdol if not tasted warm. Sweet dishes containing young jackfruit or gori that you can find in every corner of the city. Two famous stall is gudeg Gudeng Mbarek Bu Hj. Amad located in northern GMU Center Building, Karangasem CT II/05. We also can taste in Jl Djum gudeg Yu. Wijilan around the area of ​​Yogyakarta Palace.
In addition to warm, there are some typical foods such as misbegotten Yogya tempeh, bakpia, barking pondoh and its variants. If you want kongkow with friends, you can visited Raminten or Universe. 

5. Many cheap lodging
As the backpaker destination, it is not difficult to find cheap lodging in Yogyakarta. As the main magnet city, Malioboro is a bag of cheap lodges that cost less than Rp. 150 thousand per night. Some point in Malioboro provides inexpensive lodging are many roads Sosrowijayan, Dagen and Sosrokusuman. 

6. Shopping is unique and arty stuff
Not to be confused looking for a souvenir or add to your home collection of unique items, just go these places. The main one is Malioboro. Yes, this area is packed with merchants selling a variety of unique objects. In all there are two destasi Malioboro shopping you must visit the Batik and Beringharjo Mirota. For peyuka books, both new and secondhand, datangklah to Shopping Center which is located not far from Malioboro. About 2 km from Malioboro, Yogyakarta Palace precisely in the center of batik Ngasem there. The houses in this area Ngasem an outlet that sells batik print or write in a variety of prices. Steer your vehicle to the south of Yogyakarta. Precisely in Kasongan, Bantul you will find pottery-making centers. Not enough? Try to visit Klithikan Market located at Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto. Here available second-hand goods are still valuable. You will have fun hunting down one by one shop available. Anyway, Yogya is also known as one of the centers of silver. If interested you can come to Kotagede. Silver jewelry from cheap to expensive prices we can choose. Well, already fully has your grocery bag?

7. Alternatives to feel the atmosphere of rural Java
Full vacation rustic feel very attractive lately. Primarily by tourists who used to live in the wilderness town. The pleasure of living in a quiet and peaceful countryside that can easily be found in Yogyakarta. Among the hundreds of tourist villages have various privileges you can select one of the following villages. The first is the village which is the national champion Sidoakur klompencapir. Not only that, Sidoakur never got the title as the winner of the Green and Clean. The village also has a rich musical culture such as art, gejog mortar, klothekan and others. In contrast to Sidoakur, Village Tourism Bobung it is rich in handicrafts. Handicrafts from wood batik mask intangibles that have started since the 80s. Another interesting tourist village to visit is Kembangarum, Brayut, Krebet, Turgo and Bejiharjo.

9 Beautiful Beaches in Yogyakarta

Selasa, 28 Januari 2014

Yogyakarta is one of the most favorite destinations , as Jogja is a Complete Package and all here . Yogyakarta is known that many will travel Culture , Yogyakarta has plenty of beach turned out beautiful beaches in Gunung Kidul region . not just one but there are many beaches of this region , and each beach has a unique hallmark traits among each other beaches .

The following is a 9 Most Beautiful Beaches area of ​​Gunung Kidul Yogyakarta : 
1 . Ngrenehan Beach 
The beach is located in the village Ngrenehan Kanigoro , Saptosari - South Mountain , about 30 miles southeast of the city Wonosari . The beach is guarded by limestone hills and stunning panoramic crashing onto the white sand beach . Visitors can see the daily activities of fishermen and buy fresh fish , fried and ready to eat . Approximately 1 km west of the coast is Ngobaran and Nguyahan Beach . This unique coast beach on the hill there is a place of prayer both Hindus and every month when the moon is full , Hindu Melasti ceremony on the beach Ngobaran .

2 . Baron Beach 

Located 60 miles southeast of Yogyakarta , lined with lush green coconut palms , Baron has a protected lagoon , safe for swimming , with a prominent rocky hills on each side . Baron Cave is actually an estuary of an underground river that appears right on the beach and interesting to look at from the cliffs above . Baron beach is the first beach that was found at the junction of Baron , Kukup , Throughout , Drini , Krakal and Sundak .Here we can see a lot of Fishermen sell their catch fresh fish from the sea , and here there is a restaurant on the beach and ready to cook the fish for the tourists coming . Here we can also see a row of fishing boats lined up neatly and unique vessel is blue . Approximately 10 miles west of Beach Baron Parang Racuk , in the mountains of Gunung Kidul there also looks Hill which has views of Baron and view the surrounding area. Every month of Suro ( the first month of the Javanese calendar ) , organize a fishing community harbor , sea offering ceremony to say thank you to God for the abundant harvest of fish and for the safety and welfare of fishermen .

3 . Krakal Beach 

Krakal Beach is located approximately 63 km southeast of Jogja , and during the trip passes Wonosari both paved and winding mountain roads . Approximately 7 km to the east of the main road where it branched out to the beach Baron , we can see the limestone hills with terraced stone level , here we can see the stunning scenery . There is a bay that can be used to swim at the beach and a few bay Krakal is located 1 km east of Baron , Kukup also has beautiful white sand beaches and many types of fish that are not seen in other areas . Visitors can buy or try to catch fish on the beach , or just enjoy the beautiful marine life and are no less interesting when sea water at low tide, visitors can enjoy and see the beautiful sea garden with colorful coral and marine life on the edge of the beach .

4 . Drini Beach 

Drini Beach is located in the village of Ngestirejo , Tanjungsari also the District , about 1 km east of Beach Along . Unique and special characteristic of this beach is the coral island on the shores of the sea and where where the trees grow these coral knoll , which is interesting about the trees growing on the cliff is that it avoided the wooden timber rattlesnake avoid them . this beach with easy walking distance to the beach one coast to the other . With white sandy beaches and beautiful scenery Along the beach is ideal for sun bathing . This beach is also an ideal location to serve as a conservation area because at certain times of the year many turtles are a lot of pop in and lay their eggs there .

5 . Sundak Beach 

Sundak Sidoharjo located in the village , subdistrict Tepus . located approximately 1 km east of Krakal . green expanse of natural scenery combined with fresh air , white sand beach Sundak is ideal for relaxing . Sundak also known for camping groundnya and tourists can stay here , the beach area is very popular Sundak among young people , so expect more years of being crowded and always visited during school holidays . Sundak very good for walking the shores of the beach . Approximately 500 m west of Sundak is Ngandong Beach , here there is a resort open to off-road tour groups who want to enjoy the sea views of the Indian Ocean . for those wishing to travel in Sundak many activities that can be done such as deep-sea fishing , sailing with a traditional boat , accommodation , food , and massage .

6 . Timang Beach 

Access to the beach is fairly difficult Timang among other coastal beaches in Gunung Kidul , because to achieve this Timang Coast to go through into the driveway for 40 menitan and recommended for large cars . Beach Timang unique among all beaches in Gunung Kidul because of the presence of Timang Island seen from the top of the hill Timang Beach . This turned out to save Timang Island and is a hive of Lobster , Fishermen and local residents here have a unique way to take in Island lobster lobsters Timang this . by making the cable car that connects the hill toward the beach Timang Timang Island , and the connecting strap ( Traditional firefox ) is very unique , because it is made manually . for those who want meyebrang Timang Island welcome to tourists there at a cost of Rp 100,000. Highly recommended for lovers of the challenge to ride this Traditional Firefox , and remember do not bring cameras or HP during the crossing . because all of a sudden you can hit the waves when traveling cross done . how dare try !

7 . Siung Beach 

Siung is also located in the district of Gunung Kidul Tepus . we are able to come here with a distance of about 35 miles southeast of Wonosari city . to go Siung is already asphalt road leading from Wonosari Siung. The beach is located between two cliffs which is the location for the climbers and who like to hike up the hill to the beach cloves . unique and challenging way to climb the hill because we were treated to a beautiful sea panorama , thundering waves and fresh sea air . This Siung The Asian Climbing recently held a gathering that took place in this Siung and attracted the attention of 80 participants from 15 Asian countries .

8 . Wedi Ombo Beach 

Wedi Ombo Jepitu located in the village , about 40 km southeast of Wonosari . Wedi Ombo Beach enclosed bays wide with soft white sand overlooking the sea and surrounded by limestone hills . Sound waves create a refreshing breeze beaches and relaxed atmosphere . Bay can be seen from the top of a hill or even from the beach , where we can see the sunset and the scenery is incredible. For visitors who like fishing , Wedi Ombo is the right choice . Many large rocks and reefs around the coast Wedi Ombo , and that makes a nice beach.Once a year the ceremony was held at the traditional fishing Ngalangi here . In this ceremony , the Wedi Ombo take root tree called wawar of Kedungdowok hill and together they pulled out to sea to be used as fishing nets . There Wedi Ombo Beach Beach Beach Gremeng and Jungwok and Kalong Island , a small island inhabited by thousands of bats . if we come at the right time of the season to Wedi Ombo Beach , lots of sea urchins and mussels that we can find the edge of the beach , and we could even ask the cook seafood in a beachside stall point .

9 . Round Beach Sawal / Indrayanti

Indrayanti Beach is a very popular beach area of ​​Gunung Kidul .Beach Home Sawal or popular and known as Indrayanti Beach is located in the coastal districts Sundak Tepus Gunungkidul district . White sandy beaches that extend from East to West is fairly new and quite beautiful . In addition to the beautiful , the beach area is quite clean , and including the most expensive lodgings this region . and the pulling and enviable by other coastal areas in Indonesia because this beach managers to impose fines on any visitors if caught littering .Tourists can play in the sea shore playing and enjoy the waves or can also sunbathe , others are enjoying watersport activities such Jetsky provided for visitors . In the western part of the entrance to the beach , there are mountains of rock were quite large and beautiful . Behind the rock there is a white sandy beach that is wide enough . I like here is that visitors can relax in the gazebo on the shore while enjoying dishes accompanied by soothing cold drink . Coastal managers also provide lodging for groups or families , so that the visitors can relax at the beach area while enjoying a night on the beach . 

well, if you've had a beauty beach beach in Yogyakarta , I suggest to stop for a moment to Wonosari . The town is no unique Typical Culinary know , namely Walang Fried or Fried Grasshopper . The Wonosari many traditional snacks are good at this point or roadside dining . The fried walang price fluctuations depending on the season grasshopper itself, if much we can buy it for 10rb pertoples season or when I'm not able to 30rb per jar.

Tips on photographing the beach in Gunung Kidul , Yogyakarta.

1 . photographing lens is needed Coast Wide Range 11 - 16mm . 
2 . CPL or ND filter is required to make a slow shutter effect and reduce the shadow of the sea . 
3 . bring a tripod to shoot at sunset and sunrise . 
4 . bring lots of memory cards , in order not to lose the moment

The beauty of Samosir Island

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Samosir Island is an island that is very unique because it is a volcanic island in the middle of Lake Toba. The altitude is 1,000 meters above sea level. This is what makes this island to the attention of domestic and foreign tourists.

Samosir Island can be done by buying a early morning ferry ticket costing Rp 10,000 per person. And, while waiting for the departure of the ship, we could hunting around the lake, capture the beauty and vastness of Lake Toba. Aside from being a tourist spot, the lake turned out to be the foundation of life of the surrounding community. They use the water of Lake Toba as the main spring in everyday life.

Sunrise at Lake Toba gan eagerly obliged, if the patient can be beautiful moments like this
There are two types of ferries serving the route to the island of Samosir, the ferry that transports passengers and ferries that transport only four-wheeled vehicles. If you use a car, you will ride the ferry second type (four-wheeled vehicle that transports). During the crossing, we are offered a beautiful lake scenery, blue skies, and cool air. Weather Lake Tobabahkan can hypnotize visitors to linger here.

Cars are a very important means of transportation for families who want to get around the island. Samosir is no public transport. You have to rent a vehicle in the form of a bicycle or motorbike if you want to take a walk. Rents motors between Rp70.000 to Rp80.000 per day.
On this island there are also several lodging inns that most do not have a phone number. To stay, we can directly order the innkeepers go show. If the inn is full, we can ask for help about residents or owners of the hotel to find houses that can be rented as a place to stay. Rate-150,000 rentals around 100,000. Travelers rarely stay in Samosir. However, if traveling as a backpacker, when he got on the island of Samosir we can hire a motorcycle taxi or spend the night there.

Samosir Island is a charming landscape.
Uniquely, this island has a lake attractions. There are two lakes on the island in the middle of Lake Toba, which Sidihoni and Lake Aek Natonang. In addition, the island also offers many other cultural and historical uniqueness. For example, Pusuk Buhit believed to be the place of origin of the Batak tribe. Interestingly, here there is a rock stage. For an explanation of the rock stage, we can hire local people as guides. Once satisfied listening to the story, we can shop for souvenirs, such as wooden carvings and traditional fabrics in the souvenir stalls .White Sand Beach, unique in the lake right .. there is a fine white sandy beaches. but the water is fresh tetep hehe

Other attractions are no less interesting is the hot water bath, Indigenous Culture Batak museum. The museum is quite unique because it was in the open and there are many relics of the king of rock that supposedly the origin of the Batak people. Museum guard was eloquently explained the history of the past.
Samosir is reputedly known as the origin of the Batak culture holds many relics of the past, among others ..

Siallagan Village
Siallagan Kampung, Kampung this saves a lot of stories and history of Batak Tribe past.
The village is situated in the village Ambarita Samosir island. The fortress-like village located adjacent to Lake Toba and pretty much visited by tourists both domestic and foreign. You will be amazed to observe how the township is surrounded by large stones arranged in a neat terraced. The wall was once the fort was equipped with bamboo and serves to keep the township from interference and attack the beast another tribe.

here it is the location of the trial is a very famous stone, any decision of the King set out herein.
This village was built during the first king, King Game Huta Siallagan. Then passed on to subsequent offspring until now. Unique Stone Trial contained herein. Named Stone Parsidangan because it functions to prosecute criminals or violators of customary law (the case of murder, theft, rape, etc.) or also to the political enemies of the king. If guilty then the defendant will be brought back to the village to be executed in the second session of the rock circuit. His body will be dissected later beheaded. According to local people, the body first defendant will be sliced ​​up blood droplets spilled out when necessary lime before beheaded if the defendant has invulnerability. There are stories that the defendant's body parts will be distributed to eat a rollicking and King Siallagan hate when the defendant would then take heart.

Possible of the story is what then had become a stereotype that the Batak people practice cannibalism. This ritual slowly disappear after Christianity spread in Samosir region by a priest named Dr. German origin. Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen in the mid-19th century. King Siallagan who previously was the religion of the original Batak (Parmalim) later converted to Christianity and not continue the ritual cannibalism that again. Now Huta Siallagan only serves as a tourist village just to the memory of the history and culture of one of the tribes in Batak. The tour guides to this place will certainly mention this in more detail and are intended as a lesson in the tradition of ancient form and no other purpose.

Suhi village
The village is located close to the harbor and town Tomok Samosir regency, namely Pangururan. To reach this village, it takes about 40 minutes from the village of Tomok or 20 minutes of Pangururan by road. No admission is charged for visitors who want to travel to this village. But this time the traditional artisans fabric Ulos increasingly rare. but in this village Suhi Suhi most of crafters both young and old were weaving this Ulos.

in the village we could see Ulos cloth weaving process is fairly complicated, and requires a lot of time, patience and a high accuracy. do not be surprised if the price offered can be ranging from USD 250,000 up to USD 5,000,000 for lovers of traditional fabrics are strongly advised to come to this village. Here we can buy at the same time learn how to weave.

Peucang Island, Heaven at the End of the island of Java

Minggu, 26 Januari 2014

Look at the beauty of Indonesia, a country that deserves to be called a paradise.

Ujung Kulon National Park
Ujung Kulon National Park is located in the most western part of Java Island, Indonesia. The park area also includes the area of ​​Krakatoa and several small islands around it like Handeuleum Island and Island Peucang. The park has an area of ​​about 122 956 ha; (443 km ² of which is the sea), which begins from the headland Ujung Kulon to the Indian Ocean. 

National Park became the first national park established in Indonesia, and has also been unveiled as one of the World Heritage protected by UNESCO in 1991, because the area of ​​protected forest covers a very broad. To date approximately 50 to 60 rhinos live in this habitat. At first Ujung Kulon is an agricultural area at some time until finally destroyed and depleted the entire population when Mount Krakatoa erupted on August 27, 1883 which ended up turning it back into the forest region. 

Permission to enter this National Park can be obtained at the National Park Headquarters in the City of Labuan or Tamanjaya. Lodging can be obtained in Handeuleum Island and Peucang. Ujung Kulon National Park with Krakatau Nature Reserve is a national asset, and has been designated as a World Natural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1991. 

Starting from an open forum Backpacker trip in Indonesia, eventually gathered 48 people from various parts of the bead is ready to go to the Ujung Kulon. Once we were all gathered at the meeting point Slipi Jaya area, 3 elf who already get ready to launch our lease towards our first destination, the village wells, Banten. The village is the last village wells before our crossing to the Ujung Kulon.
From the dock located in the village wells We went on a trip to the island Peucang. This Peucang Island including the area of ​​Ujung Kulon National Park area in the region also gan.Karena Ujung Kulon National Park, Island Peucang also accepted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
After approximately 3 hours drive from the Well we finally got Peucang Island, we immediately greeted by white sand with sea green bluish. The blue color of the sea is ideal for swimming, diving, fishing, or snorkeling. 

Usually the Traveller who came to Ujung Kulon will stay on this island, because the island there are several Homestay for rent gan, here too there are guards and registration Post Ujung Kulon. This island can be found a variety of wildlife such as wild boar, deer, apes, dragons roaming around the island gan, so do not be surprised if homestay there in front of boars gan, if lucky on this island can also see Bull Java loh gan!
In the afternoon guided with one guide us in this national park trekking for about 45 minutes to Coral Copong. 

The journey begins, we entered the forest not too far from the inn, is getting into more and more large trees are visible. nearly 45 menitan we walk, we arrived the area where the trees began rarely replaced by a stretch of beach with large rocks also climbing cliffs, Yes we arrived at Coral Copong, called coral reefs Copong because there is a big hole on the beach, who has her. btw this is the right spot to see the sunset! moreover with girlfriend.

Some tips for those who want to this island
- Went to a lot of people, so sharing the cost is less expensive  

- Bring Antimo gan, a trip to the island of wells around 3-4 times numayan  
- When treking to Copong coral, lots of mosquitoes in the forest gan, do not forget the mosquito repellent
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