4 Family Travel Destinations in Tangerang Regency

Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Tangerang district has several tourist attractions that would make a great family vacation destination . The sights are not only easily accessible but also can be a learning tool for the beloved sons and daughters . 

The first is Tjo Soe Kong temple . Do not underestimate ago after hearing his name . Pagoda is also known as Tanjung Kait temple is one of the historic sites in the district of Tangerang . Also signifies the existence of acculturation and ethnic harmony with the communities Tangerang immigrants , in this case the Chinese nation . Pagoda in the area of ​​Tanjung Kait dasyatnya it also witnessed the eruption of Krakatoa .  

Although located on the shoreline , Soe Kong temple Tjo be the only place that survived the tsunami sweep at that time .Invite your family also visited the crocodile park Tanjung Pasir . In the breeding places visitors can observe wild reptile life which has the scientific name Crocodillus .  

Recreation area on the banks of the Cape Sand Road a proper spot for suasanyanya shaded picnic . In addition , visitors can also buy souvenirs of captive crocodile leather for example . If interested , you can also try crocodile satay .Third place in Tangerang regency became an attractive tourist destination is educational at the same time World of Wonder Citra Raya in Cikupa .  

In There, visitors can see a replica of the world wonders such as Borobudur , the Pyramids of Egypt , the Great Wall of China , the Leaning Tower of Pisa , the Colosseum of Rome , to Stonehenge England . The theme park is also equipped with a variety of games that are unique and interesting .Lastly, try to get your family to explore the north coast of Tangerang Regency . There, visitors will be spoiled with a panoramic view of the beautiful - nautical panorama . You can enjoy the atmosphere of a fishing village , observing the cluster of the Thousand Islands , boating to the island of Java Luckily , shopping for ocean catch , to enjoy delicious seafood preparations with a friendly price . 

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2 komentar

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  2. thanks, enjoy your summer in here, please come and visit indonesia, the beautiful country,. :)




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