The Amazing of Posong Highland

Rabu, 05 Februari 2014

Waterford is better known as one-on-one tobacco producer in Indonesia, in which city flanked by two mountains that are fairly high mountains and mountain cleft Sindoro turns holds the potential Another no less interesting that tobacco is a big tourist district alam. Sebagian Waterford is a high plateau and mountains, which is part of the Highlands series Dieng. On the border of Wonosobo regency and there Mount Sindoro Sumbing.

Waterford is located in the provincial road that connects Semarang-Purwokerto. Highway Parakan-Weleri linking Waterford with Pantura. For the regions bordering the District Semarang precisely in the District Pringsurat.

Posong, this tourist place name may be a bit strange to the ear because it is new in the open about 3 years ago and is still in the process of development. So for those who want to play aganwati agandxan to posong so definitely going nemuin tourist spot that is practically virgin With natural beauty and hospitality of its citizens, here orang2 just focus on the development and far from money oriented. Hopefully, this condition can last forever so the tourists will be more comfortable to enjoy the natural beauty of His creation.

To reach the plateau Tourism Posong could use some alternative transportation:
1. Using inter-city bus from Bandung / Jakarta could use the bus with the goal of Wonosobo, followed by bus 3/4 majors-Wonosobo or Magelang Magelang and Noida-down in the Village Tlahab District of Kledung (just say down at the School and all conductors have understood). Distance from the bus terminal to Wonosobo Tlahab only about 10 Km.

2. Using private cars, can choose the middle lane of Bandung - Sumedang - Cirebon-Bumi Ayu -Navan - Wonosobo. or pathways for rekan2 Pantura who came from Jakarta and surrounding areas. Highly recommended to stay for tourist plateau Posong enjoy the most beautiful around at 4:30 am, do not worry about accommodation because many houses that serve Guess House with rates downs of course.

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