Swimming with Jellyfish in Lake Kakaban

Minggu, 20 April 2014

For those of you who Hobbies dive may place this one can be used as a reference . Kakaban a truly unique island with thousands of jellyfish in the depths of the lake . The lake is located in Derawan Islands region is much visited by tourists who want to dive right to hold thousands of jellyfish . And you do not have to worry because there are jellyfish in the lake Kakaban guaranteed not to sting or poisonous .

Unique island shaped figure 9 is to the north there is a ring -shaped coral reef and lagoon formed therein which is named after Lake Kakaban locals . It contains brackish water lake inhabited by diverse marine life that have properties and different physical appearance with similar species in the sea

Among them are translucent jellyfish body like a glass plate ( Aurelia aurita ) , a jellyfish the size of the tip of the index finger ( Tripedalia cystophora ) , and jellyfish fist brownish blue ( Martigias Papua ) . In addition to having a distinctive endemic marine life , the island also has a very beautiful coral reefs , bergua - caves and passageways .

So no wonder if the place is a haven for divers . Diving world has known some point dive around Kakaban , the Barracuda Point , The Drift , Cabbage Patch , The Wall , Blue Light Cave , The Plateau , Rainbow Run , Diver 's Delight and The North Face .

It took 45 minutes from Derawan Kakaban to use the boat with rental costs around Rp 300 thousand . Uniquely, the lake contains jellyfish turns out there are only two in the world . Another one is on the island of Palau, Micronesia Islands . Lake Kakaban that he was already two million this year to the World Heritage Area .

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