Biawak Island

Kamis, 06 Februari 2014

It was on the island called Biawak island , the island because there are many Monitor (Varanus salvator ) from medium-sized to large , wandering along the beach .

In addition to so-called Biawak Island , the island is also referred to as tanning island and island Byompis . Biawak Island is located in the north central part of Java Island . Login administrative area Indramayu , West Java , and is located at coordinates 06 ° 56'022 '' S and 108 ° 22'015 '' BT . With a land area of ​​± 742 ha which consists mainly of mangrove forests , Biawak Island become endemic conservation of wild birds , and ( of course ) for the lizard - lizard that was there .

Biawak Island are actually comprised of three (3 ) major islands namely Gosong Island , Biawak Island and Island of Candikian. In addition to the conservation area , Biawak Island is an island that is also important for domestic shipping lines because there is a lighthouse tower Dutch heritage is still actively guide the big ships and small to date .

Biawak Island Lighthouse
65 -meter high lighthouse in the island of lizard was established by the Dutch colonial era ZM Willem in 1872. Lighthouse architecture is almost the same as the existing lighthouse in the Pacific Islands and Anyer Tangerang . The lighthouse is still used to this day . With the circular stairs are quite small and rusty in the lighthouse , extra caution needs to be able to ride. After reaching the top of the lighthouse , a view of the beach and pier off Biawak Island can be seen .

Lizard is a species endemic to the island has a keen sense of smell . If we want to see it , we can put a fish or meat on the dock and in a time not too long , lizard - lizard will arrive .
Lizard - lizard on the island is not afraid of humans . They are quite bold approach , but we still need to be aware of the lizard 's tail flick .

Gosong Island
Gosong Island is actually a ring-shaped atoll with a head ring that is small land above sea level , being the middle of the ring is a shallow reef that sinks at sea level . Located about 1 ( one ) hour boating trip from Biawak Island . Gosong Island is actually interesting to use swimming and snorkeling . Unfortunately , reefs in the Gosong Island has been a lot of damage , which is said as a result of dredging for the construction of Pertamina Exor Processing Unit VI Balongan I around 1980 . In addition to Sandbar Island , there is also Candikian Island , which unfortunately we could not go .

Mangrove forests and Pinus
Biawak Island has a mangrove forest that is still quite dense . Besides mangroves , pine is also quite commonly found in the center of the island which is a gathering place for the birds . There is a wooden staircase that was originally used to get into the mangrove forests without the need to go into the swamp , but the conditions under which we came , the wooden stairs already fragile and damaged quite badly .

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